useless box


Project description

For my third project in electromechanical engineering and robotics, I was tasked with building an electromechanical game. I decided that I wanted to build an aesthetically pleasing, simple game that would take advantage of the H-Bridge motor controller that I built as my previous project. I settled on the concept of a “useless box”, which is a fun game where a user flips a switch on and a surprising robot arm comes out and switches it back off. 

I did some sketching, and I came up with a design where the arm could both open the lid of the box and flip the switch off. That way, I could hide the arm and actuate the door all with the same motor. I began designing a box in Solidworks that would be parametric, so that I could change its size easily depending on how big the electronic components were. 

After the Solidworks model was complete, I 3D printed the arm and some mounts for the electronics and motor. I laser cut the box and I assembled the device using countersunk m3 screws for a pleasing finish. The code for the box was simple: if the switch was flipped on, the motor would run back and forth until it flipped back off. 

This project was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about open-ended problem solving!

The box was designed in Solidworks. I aimed to make the box pleasing and intriguing to look at. The user of the box should be curious about the switch on its front face.

The box was designed in Solidworks. I aimed to make the box pleasing and intriguing to look at. The user of the box should be curious about the switch on its front face.

A side section of the box shows the motor mount, arm, and inner brackets. I also used the CAD model to ensure that my circuit boards would fit inside. I used both my breadboard power supply and my H-Bridge circuits for this project.

A side section of the box shows the motor mount, arm, and inner brackets. I also used the CAD model to ensure that my circuit boards would fit inside. I used both my breadboard power supply and my H-Bridge circuits for this project.

I sketched out my idea on a whiteboard before starting the CAD.

I sketched out my idea on a whiteboard before starting the CAD.

The equations in Solidworks allowed me to adjust the size of the box quickly.

My first time trying out the mechanism.

My first time trying out the mechanism.