COVID-19 Flowmeter Design Report


Project Description

For my final project in my sophomore engineering design class, I was tasked with using user-centric design methodology to design and produce a test plan for an air flow meter for ventilators. I began the project by researching the needs of my user (hospitals and frontline workers) and I developed a set of constraints and targets. 

Knowing these goals, I began to design a ΔP nozzle flow meter in SolidWorks using data from a mathematical prototype I was given by my professor. I carefully calculated the dimensions of the flowmeter and sourced components, understanding that cost, manufacturability, and ease of use were of utmost priority. Finally, I developed a test plan for ensuring that my design would function as intended and created a report on the design process of my flowmeter. This report included all of my graphics, calculations, and an engineering drawing of the part. It is embedded below.

This project was a great opportunity to learn more about concept to design methodology and the planning that needs to be prepared before making a physical prototype. The coronavirus may have closed the makerspaces, but as a result it forced me to learn more about the equally important planning and preparation phases of engineering design.

The flowmeter is designed to be 3D printed on an SLS process. Up to 30 flowmeters could be made in one Formlabs Fuse 1 printer at a time.

The flowmeter is designed to be 3D printed on an SLS process. Up to 30 flowmeters could be made in one Formlabs Fuse 1 printer at a time.

I conducted a SolidWorks flow simulation to verify my math.

I conducted a SolidWorks flow simulation to verify my math.

Air from the ventilator enters the left side and flows through a nozzle. As it does, its pressure drops and can be measured by the two BMP280 sensors.

Air from the ventilator enters the left side and flows through a nozzle. As it does, its pressure drops and can be measured by the two BMP280 sensors.

An engineering drawing with proper tolerancing was required with the report.

An engineering drawing with proper tolerancing was required with the report.